An immersive expedition created by Excurio, produced by the Orange Group, in partnership with the Public Institution in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, the Diocese of Paris – City of Paris.
- 43 min
- 2021
- Excurio
A story in service of History
Eternal Notre-Dame fulfils the dream that every enthusiast has had at some point: to travel back in time and be able to teleport to another era.
Led by a Compagnon du Devoir, you'll plunge into a story through the centuries, discovering the different eras that have marked the history of Notre-Dame and the secrets of this centuries-old cathedral.
Freely stroll through the building, faithfully reconstructed from scientific surveys and historical sources, for a complete, ultra-realistic immersion experience.

More than a visit: a journey of initiation
Guided and instructed by your companion-guide, you’ll experience a subtle progression, encompassing geographical, historical, and luminous aspects.
The tour will give you an idea of the scale of the work required to build the cathedral, as well as the work involved in rebuilding and transforming it over the centuries. This will give you a deeper understanding of Notre-Dame de Paris, which is much more than a stone monument: it's a place steeped in the history and hopes of the men and women who have left their mark on it.

Orange Group
Public Institution in charge of the conservation and restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral
Diocese of Paris – City of Paris
Scientific sources
Dany Sandron – Professor of the History of Art and specialist in Gothic architecture at Paris-Sorbonne University
Cristina Dagualita – Doctor in the History of Art
Our Immersive Expeditions
Executive production and execution: Excurio
Fabien Barati
Emmanuel Guerriero
Project leads
Tarek El Khamsa
Didier Mayda
Lead creative
Guillaume Martini
Ludovic Marguerie
Artistic director
Maxence Fournier
UI/UX designer
Aurélien Signorino Gelo
Concept 2D artist
Ecbel Oueslati
Lead 3D artist
Régis Boissenin
3D artists
Pierre Gable
Guillaume Duflos
Cédric Lecomte
Thomas Mantilla
Alain Pires
Clément Bassery
Romain Lemaire
Fabien Togman
Brice Parrondo
Thomas Bourgain
Florian Nolin
Loïc Perrilier
Delphine Lacroix
Nils Wadensten
Johan Lundqvist
Paul Ferretiz
Alexandr Shmidtheisler
Siavosh Hooshmandi
Technical artist 3D
Jean-Baptiste Sarrazin
Lead developer
Renaud Wintzer
Celia Aeply
Martin François
Julie Helbecque
Vincent Kerharo
Cedric Welty
Victor Jore
Emeline Berenguier
Nicolas Galinotti
Nadhir Msa
3D Integrators
Lucas Ninard
Raphael Palumbo
Lead animators
Clotilde Steffen
Ludovic Martin
Benoit Toutous
Laurent Demettre
Margaux Badaya Delaroche
Julien Robert
Joeffrey Lepeux
Arthur Pivot
Stage manager
Florian Giannino
QA tester
Benjamin Lauvergeon
IT managers
Yann Beauvais
Anthony Bousselier
Motion Capture studio
Mocaplab – Studio de capture de mouvement
Motion capture actors
Silvia Gaillard
Florian Hutter
Romain Ogerau
Mocaplab team
Rémi Brun
Mathilde Renet
Guillaume Collin
Alexandre Gomis
Luca Jami
Charles Fougeront
Oriana Kacimi
Jerome Bottasso
Aby Diallo
Christophe Cheul
Photo/video capture
Grégoire Rondet
Sound designer
Gery Montet
Original music
Maxime Hervé
Max Guazzini Lorena Prod
Voice-over studio
Scopitone – Studio Voix-off
French actors/voices
Françoise Cadol
Bernard Metraux
Guy Chapellier
Bruno Magne
English voices
Bibi Jacob
Paul Bandey
Leslie Clack
Mark Jane
Spanish voices
Xavier Mestres
Enrique Fiestas
Diego Asensio
Marta Domingo
Chinese voices
Yves Yan
Xiaoxing Cheng
Bing Yin
Ziweï Liu
Sound recording and arranging tehnicians
Max Mollot
Michel Dupuis
Jean René Minier
Lion bridge
Iconem / CNRS (Aïoli plateform) / Gigascope
Scientific advisors
Dany Sandron - professeur d'Histoire de l'art et d'archéologie à l'université Paris-Sorbonne
Cristina Dagalita - Docteur en Histoire de l'art et Chercheur associé au centre André Chastel
Christian Brunel - Responsable des références historiques
Richard Boyer - Directeur général de la société SOCRA pour la restauration des statues des apôtres de notre dame de Paris et la conservation du métal
Christian Lutz - technicien-conseil pour les orgues pour les Monuments Historiques
Didier Cuiset – Directeur Europe Echafaudage - Mise en place et installation des échafaudages
Emmanuel Putanier – Directeur de Vitrail France / verrier d’art
Julien Lebras – PDG de la société Le Bras Frères Charpentier
Nicolas WEBER – Directeur Général de la société Pierrenoël restaurateur, pierre, metal
Rémi Fromont - Architecte en chef des monuments historiques
Livio de Luca - Directeur de recherche au CNRS
Delphine Bastet - Attachée de conservation du Patrimoine Responsable des expositions Musée
- Program
- Reviews